Introduction 1. Since the mid twentieth century, the world has been in the thick of a unique peaceful revolution, the media revolution. Modern means of communication invaded the core of our daily life, becoming for many the preferred instrument of knowledge and recreation and the third activity after work and sleep. Thanks to this revolution, planet Earth has become a global village and open space, and advanced media technologies such as the press, radio, television and the internet have had a profound impact on the means of communication, the imparting of knowledge and guidance among people. Newspapers, radio and television stations, and websites, are being exposed to all information and recreational fields in a tangible and rapid fashion, attracting individuals and groups, developing or shaping their thinking, their way of expression, and their conduct, not to mention its effect in molding national and international public opinion, in motivating it and driving it in decisive directions. These means occupy a prominent position in today’s world, whether at the political level where they exercise an informational and a supervisory role over public authorities in most countries, or at the educational, cultural and spiritual levels, where they contribute to the development of educational systems, the dissemination of knowledge, facilitating acquaintanceship and interaction between various civilizations, and the spreading and deepening of spiritual messages. Chapter One: The Church and the Media 2. From the beginning, the 3. At the organizational level, Pope Pius XII declared, shortly before the Second Vatican Council, the creation of a papal commission pertaining to the cinema, radio and TV. In 1959, Pope John XXIII confirmed it as a permanent commission in the Roman Curia, and after him, Pope Paul VI modified it, in 1964, into a pontifical commission for social communication, adding to its competence the written media as well.[8] As a last step, Pope John Paul II raised it to the status of Pontifical Council for Social Communications in 1989.[9] Since 1967, the Popes have adopted the practice of issuing an annual letter on the occasion of World Communications Day, habitually organized on the Sunday before Pentecost in most parts of the world. It is worth mentioning that the Church declared Clare of Assisi as patron saint of television media personnel,[10] Francis de Sales as patron saint of journalists and the Archangel Gabriel as patron of radio media personnel. 4. The Universal Church promulgated a series of guidance documents on how to deal with the social media. The first and most important of these documents is the Pastoral Instruction Communio et Progressio, (On the Means of Social Communication), in 1971, in response to a special mandate from the Second Vatican council.[11] Most prominent in this document is that the Church sees these media as “gifts of God.”[12] She has appealed to every Christian man and woman saying: “Indeed it would be difficult to suggest that Christ’s command was being obeyed unless all the opportunities offered by the modern media to extend to vast numbers of people the announcement of his Good News were being used.”[13] She also stressed that “the standard of such presentations must at least equal in quality the other productions of the media.”[14] The Pontifical Council for Social Communications issued numerous documents on media ethics, advertising morals, Internet ethics, rules governing ecumenical cooperation and cooperation among religions with regard to the media. All these documents constitute a precious reference for media personnel as regards morality in their profession and the method of embodying their Christian values through this profession in their own environment.[15] 5. Pope John Paul II reflected “protractedly on the deep cultural meaning of social media. He envisions the world of the media as “the first Areopagus in modern times…capable of unifying humanity into a ‘global village.” His Holiness says that the world of today is living an age of “global communication” affecting, to a high degree, “the formation of personality and conscience, the interpretation and structuring of affective relationships, the coming together of the educative and formative phases, the elaboration and diffusion of cultural phenomena, and the development of social, political and economic life.” Thus, “The mass media can and must promote justice and solidarity according to an organic and correct vision of human development, by reporting events accurately and truthfully, analyzing situations and problems completely, and providing a forum for different opinions.” His Holiness concludes saying: “An authentically ethical approach to using the powerful communication media must be situated within the context of a mature exercise of freedom and responsibility, founded upon the supreme criteria of truth and justice.”[16] 6. His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, had reminded the Church of Lebanon, in the Apostolic Exhortation A New Hope for Lebanon, that the Church has her position in the media “for the sake of promoting the truth, a precondition to any human dignity” and for the sake of upholding “spiritual and moral values,” supporting the initiatives taken by the Church to invigorate the plan concerning religious broadcasting, and informational and educational programming that aid in “cultivating the critical sense in adults and the youth vis-à-vis the abundance of media insinuations which sometimes give the impression that all kinds of behavior are equally acceptable.” The Pope recommended that the Church should “give attention to the formation of competent persons to perceive the stakes involved in the media.”[17] 7. The Maronite Church perceived the importance of this precious ecclesiastical formation, putting it into operation wherever opportune, particularly in Chapter Two: The Maronites’ Past in the Religious and Temporal Media 8. Before the establishment of the state of 9. This Arabic tongue journalism, carried primarily on the shoulders of the Maronites, contributed, in a decisive manner, to the spread of the spirit of independence and resistance to the Ottoman occupation. Lebanese journalists such as the martyrs Said Akl, and Philip and Farid Al-Khazen, have paid the blood tax for the sake of freeing the Lebanese from Ottoman tyranny. After establishing the state of Greater Lebanon in 1920, some of the newspapers abroad returned to the motherland, however only a few of them were able to hold out, to have been provided with the conditions necessary for continuity. After the declaration of independence of 10. With the break out of war in 11. Meanwhile, some of the Maronites in Lebanon sought to create a media that would be able to resist the vicious cycle of violence and to bring the Good News to the Maronites and the Eastern Christians worldwide, specifically, to all Christians in the Antiochean Domain, who lacked any local media spring to drink from so as to refresh their Christian spiritual life. So, the Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries launched the radio station “Voice of Charity” in 1984. In addition, “Télé Lumière” TV station started broadcasting religious programs as of 1991 through an initiative on the part of “the Congregation of the Children of the Church,” consisting of committed Christian lay people. Furthermore, a number of Maronite eparchies in the countries of the expansion founded periodical pastoral magazines, such as Al Murssal (The Missionary), in Chapter Three: The of the Religious and Temporal Media 12. The Lebanese media still represents the most important medium for the First: The Present Status of the Temporal Media in a) Status of the Written Media 13. During and after the war, Lebanese journalism, after having endured serious interference in its affairs, including threats of shutdowns and physical abuse of its personnel culminating in martyrdom for some, causing a number of them to leave the country or to seek political asylum abroad, it regained part of its glamour and credibility. However, in some instances, it is still stuck in an excessive state of political subordination, and therefore is unable to keep the required distance for an objective and critical focus. As a result of monetary pressures linked to the prevailing economic conditions, the predomination of the visual media and stiff competition from a multitude of shallow periodicals resorting to sensationalism, seeking purely commercial goals, Lebanese journalism also suffers from monetary subordination costing it a chunk of its freedom and objectivity. Also, the current Lebanese Publications Law remains tainted with many a loop hole especially by way of increased restrictions on the granting of licenses for the founding of new political periodicals. Lebanese journalism is still paying the highest of prices, that of the lives of its people in defense of its freedom, distinctive in the Arab World. The b) Status of the Audio and Visual Media 14. With regard to the audio and visual media sector, efforts to organize the chaotic conditions produced by the recent war, did not measure up to expectations. As a matter of fact, the Audio and Visual Media Organization Law of 1994,[22] was promulgated in contradiction with the provisions of Article 19 of the International Charter on Civil and Political Rights, to which 15. As a result of the 1994 Law, licenses were distributed to television and radio stations, on the basis of sectarian feudal quotas. Even though some of the owners of these stations are sons and daughters of our Maronite Church and they dedicate part of their programs to religious occasions and to a number of spiritual topics deserving praise, however, like the others, their first concern remains dictated by market logic and dedicated to attracting viewers or listeners for the sake of assuring advertising returns, without adequate consideration for the requirements of ethical broadcasting. Despite all this, the Church remains solicitous to cooperate with these stations, and with others, for the purpose of tackling critical human issues of concern to the Lebanese and the Arab individual, yet, be in harmony with Christian principles and current civil values, such as human rights issues, the family, women, the child, the wounded with disabilities, consolidating civics and education, social justice, the development of peoples, solidarity between nations, the preservation of the environment and building world peace on the foundations of truth, justice, freedom and love. 16. An extremely important development on the Lebanese media map is the sprouting of satellite channels. With this achievement, the world’s media space in its entirety has become open before individuals, families and communities in c) Status of the Electronic Media 17. The cutting edge media in 18. One of the problems posed by the internet is that it contains sites inciting on hatred and the defamation of religious and ethnic groups. Some try to harm the Church. These sites, as with pornography and violence in the visual media, are “reflections of the dark side of a human nature marred by sin.”[25] This issue takes on a particular importance in a country like d) Status of the Advertising Sector 19. Real prosperity in the advertising sector in 20. The Maronite Church considers that all sectors of society, whether public or private, religious or temporal, must collaborate in directing the advertising sector toward providing the consumer with objective news, contribute to the attainment of a more humane living standard for all, and foster advertisements abounding with values of faith, patriotism, openness to the other despite the difference, compassion for neighbor, charity toward the needy, fighting illiteracy and solidarity with the disabled. Pope Paul VI, in fact, went so far as to prompt Catholic institutions to “follow with constant attention the development of the modern techniques of advertising and... know how to make opportune use of them in order to spread the Gospel message in a manner which answers the expectations and needs of contemporary man.”[28] Second: Present Status of the Religious Media in a) Status of the Written Media 21. The office of the International Union of the Catholic Press in Lebanon counted up to 2002, 68 main Christian periodicals: weeklies, monthlies and quarterlies.[29] The majority of these are in Arabic, but a few are in French, English and Armenian. Their topics cover various fields: pastoral studies, religious sciences, catechetical instruction, liturgical life, scriptural research, patristic studies, monastic life, ecumenical dialogue, inter-religious dialogue, social questions, theology, spiritual guidance for the disabled, Syriac heritage, Byzantine heritage, Christian formation for adults, spirituality, vocations of the laity, religious history, consecrated and sacerdotal life, Mariology, and current issues (globalization, enculturation, and the new evangelization). This abundance proves that the spread of broadcasting and electronic mediums have not cancelled the written religious means in 22. The Journal of Maronite Studies was a remarkable research periodical in English began under the supervision of The Maronite Research Institute in the b) Status of the Audio and Visual Media: “Noursat,” “Télé Lumière” and “Voice of Charity” 23. The Christian visual media address most prominent in 24. As for the audio media available to the Church, it is the “Voice of Charity,” which is under the supervision of the Congregation of Maronite Lebanese Missionaries. Like ‘Télé Lumière,” the “Voice of Charity” is accountable directly to the Council of the Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops in Lebanon, and has the right to broadcast on one of the wavelengths of the official radio station bearing the name “Voice of Charity – Radio Liban” in accordance with the same settlement with the Lebanese authorities. Its programs cover 25. “Télé Lumière” and the “Voice of Charity” are tremendously successful when it comes to refreshing the believers’ spiritual and liturgical life, fostering Christian formation, religious culture, ecumenical harmony and constructive dialogue with all religions, confessions and intellectual trends, contributing to the expounding of the social teaching of the Church, propagating the values of justice and peace and defending the dignity and rights of the human person. Both stations enjoy a good reputation and have a high percentage of viewers and listeners, even in non-Christian circles in c) Status of the Electronic Media 26. With the advent of the internet, the number of the websites of eparchies, parishes, religious orders and Maronite institutions, movements and organizations have increased tremendously in d) Ecclesiastical Institutions of a Media Character 27. Beside its media capabilities, the Church in Third: Difficulties and Challenges at the Core of the 28. In its two sections, the temporal and the religious, the media sector today stands facing crucial difficulties touching it at the core of its authentic calling, which goes beyond plain notification and information and is as a “means “devised under God’s 29. If the media is aware of its authentic calling, it must be prophetic, that is, conveying content that conforms to the absolute truth and the ultimate good regardless of cost. Also, if the Church is aware of her maternal role toward the world, she must read the new signs of times that have surfaced with a globalized media, entering into a sincere and favorable interaction with the media and its people; comprehending its specific technologies and genius, bringing forth support for those specialized in it, rather developing “an anthropology and a theology of communication -- not least, so that theology itself may be more communicative, more successful in disclosing Gospel values and applying them to the contemporary realities of the human condition.”[40] This way, she can influence from within, the dynamics of globalization structured by today’s media, instituting “a globalization which will be at the service of the whole person and of all people.”[41] Chapter Four: A Futuristic Perspective of the Religious and Temporal Media 30. In the light of this expansive portrayal, our Maronite Patriarchal Synod desires to search for a futuristic vision overflowing with hope for both the religious and the temporal media touching Maronites, because in the end, these two sectors are two aspects of the one goal, which is, declaring the truth out of love for the benefit of people and in the service of their unity. Pope John Paul II says: “It is the task of communication to bring people together and enrich their lives, not to isolate and exploit them. The means of social communication, properly used, can help to create and sustain a human community based on justice and charity; and, in so far as they do that, they will be signs of hope.”[42] First: Toward an Ethical Media Charter 31. Maronite men and women in the media are dispersed throughout a large number of media institutions with disparate trends. While it is their duty to comply with the teachings of the Catholic Church, in addition to being faithful to the ethics of their profession, our Synod desires to draw up the guidelines for an ethical media charter recommending that it would be expanded, hoping for its adoption at a later date. The following are some of its more important principles: - Being inspired by the Maronite spirituality in its fundamental elements as mentioned in the other Synodal texts. - Commitment to the social teachings of the Church. - Commitment to the values that distinguish - Commitment to the noble social values: holiness of the family, woman’s status and her equality with man, brotherhood, solidarity, hospitality, contentment, clinging to the land, acceptance of the other, thorough study of the heritage and respect for the environment. - Promotion of cultural and developmental values: love of and quest for knowledge and its dissemination, openness to other cultures, pioneering cultural renaissance, fostering economic progress and social advancement, taking the needs of other peoples into consideration, and deepening the roots in the Arab Eastern civilization with continued openness to other civilizations and religions and the heritage of the world. - Counteracting corrupt media that promotes consumerism, opposing the transformation of women into a commodity, violence, and the glorification of authority. Second: Toward Promoting the Freedom of the Temporal Media in 32. Our Church is committed to raising her voice high toward liberating the temporal media in 33. On a different level, and after the significant growth of the role of the media in negatively impacting public opinion, voices are beginning to demand that “a counter authority” be established consisting of forces active in civil society charged with supervising the working mechanism of the media to guarding it against veering. Here also, our Church commits to assuming a decisive role in fostering the faithfulness of the media to the truth and in remaining vigilant not to exceed the bounds of human dignity, that of peoples or of ethnic groups in the name of a freedom without bounds. In this context, our Church reiterates its pledge to remain a prophetic voice that lies vigilant to monitor any violation of human rights for the purpose of denouncing it and rectifying matters. Third: Toward a Better Christian Media 34. There are gaps within the Christian media that everybody agrees must be dealt with. First, there is feebleness when it comes to making use of the cinema as a media tool. In fact, for decades, not a single long film worth mentioning has been produced in the Christian media sector, considering that the movie industry is one of the media arts most attractive to people and has the most efficacious influence on knowledge, behavior and evangelization. Second, in some cases, there is sluggishness in adopting professional competence as a yardstick for assuming responsibilities in the Christian media, and this is forcefully present in some cases in the visual media; therefore, it must be averted. Third, there is an urgent need to provide basic media education to Maronite youth at schools, institutions, universities and seminaries, aimed at enlightenment toward the good use of media material, selecting what is best. Fourth, there is benefit to be derived from reinforcing cooperation between the Christian media and the civil public media which is presently under the supervision of the state and remains, to a large extent, free from market economy control. Fifth, there is a fundamental necessity to review the legal status of “Télé Lumière” and the “Voice of Charity” as a prelude to granting an independent license for each of them similar to that of “Noursat.” Sixth, it is hoped that efforts between these three institutions be coordinated for the purpose of exchanging capabilities and programs so as to economize on resources. Seventh, it is advisable to draw up a smart and permanent plan to provide substantial financial support to these institutions, additional to donations from the faithful in Epilogue 35. “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will render an account for every careless word they speak. By your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). This is how Jesus reminds us that media is firstly and lastly a moral act, and that concerning the truth, we will be held accountable for what we have said as much as for what we have withheld. That is why our Church wants to walk side by side with the folks of the media to serve the human family through light and truth. She recalls the words of Pope John Paul II to the journalists in the Jubilee Year to say to her Maronite sons and daughters, the media folks, that “it is possible to be both authentic Christians and excellent journalists.”[43] 36. The Maronite Church prays to her Redeemer, the Master of media “The only Son, God, who is at the Father’s side, has revealed him” (John 1:18), so that globalization, coming on the saddle back of the media, may be an instrument of world wide unity among civilizations and peoples that the spiritual and material resources of the earth become one common heritage for all in a harmonious dynamism of unity and diversity. She places her trust in all media men and women of good will that they may be witnesses to the truth and to the respect of the dignity of man. Our Church invokes Mary, the See of Wisdom and the Repository of the Divine Word, to inspire her, following her example, the grace of informing the earth of the splendor of life and its joy, because a Christ from SUBJECT RECOMMENDATION MECHANISM 1. Role of the Church in accompanying the media. 1. The Church remains faithful to her calling that she may be the prophetic voice that monitors all human rights infringements and directs the truth. 1.a: Promulgating Patriarchal letters and episcopal directives concerning the media. 1.b: Shed light on infringements and transgressions. 2. Guide for the Media and its Personnel. 2. The Synod recommends carrying out a comprehensive methodic survey of Maronite media and Maronite media personnel for better coordination and performance. 2. Preparing a detailed guide book of Maronite media in 3. Ethical Media Charter. 3. The Synod recommends efforts to crystallize the guidelines of an ethical media charter emanating from Maronite spirituality and the catechetical principles of the Catholic Church. 3. Establishing a committee composed of committed specialized media personnel and clergy concerned with preparing a guide book to be a charter and a reference for the Maronite media personnel while executing his /her duties. 4. Media Licenses. 4. Our Church joins her voice to that of the International Commission on Human Rights, affiliated to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in calling for the granting of media licenses to deserving institutions in accordance with objective standards. 4.a: Striving toward having the government form an independent national commission composed of specialists in law and in the audio visual media field, to be charged with granting licenses. 4.b: Work toward promulgation of legislation for Tele Lumière and the Voice of Charity. 5. Monitor the Performance of the Media. 5. The Synod recommends erection of a commission whose mission is to monitor the performance of the media in order to ward off transgressions. 5. To congregate active civil society forces such as parents associations, media personnel, clergy and civil organizations to monitor the media productions, voicing opinions, and mobilizing public opinion when necessary. 6. Media Education. 6. The Synod recommends providing media education to the youth in schools, institutes, universities and seminaries aimed at enlightenment toward the good use of media material and selecting what is best. 6.a: Incorporating media formation in its different facets as a curricular subject at universities and formation centers. 6.b: Working with school students to acquire skills in the proper selection and the sense of criticism through workshops and roundtable dialogue. 7. Standards and Specifications for Media Personnel and Media Heads. 7. The Synod recommends that the religious media should not be slack in employing the standards of professional qualifications and ecclesiastical commitment when selecting media personnel and media heads. 7.a: Each religious media outlet is to draft the standards and specifications required of an applicant for each position, taking into consideration professional qualifications and ecclesiastical commitment. 7.b: Call upon the Episcopal Committee for the Media, commissioned by the Council of Patriarchs and Bishops, to consolidate its supervision of the outlets entrusted to it, and to give its opinion of their heads. 8. The 8. The Synod recommends the reinforcement and the evolvement of the 8. Call upon the Episcopal Committee for the Media to support the Center, to exercise its authority, and to supply it with the appropriate manpower and material capabilities. 9. Cinema and the Good News. 9. The Synod recommends that producers, directors and actors give the movie sector outstanding attention because of its effect on viewers in conveying the Good News. 9.a: Helping professional actors especially, the Maronite, to produce movies that have proper content. 9.b: Urging audio visual faculties and schools at Maronite universities to produce short religious films and to set up tournaments and grant appreciation prizes. [1]. The [2]. Ibid, No. 2. [3]. Ibid, No. 12. [4]. Ibid, No. 15. [5]. Ibid. [6]. Ibid, No. 21. [7]. Ibid, No. 18. [8]. Pope Paul VI, Apostolic Letter Motto Proprio: In fructibus multis, 2 April 1964. [9]. Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Constitution: Pastor Bonus, 28 June 1988. [10]. Pope Pius XII, Pastoral Letter on 14 February 1957. [11]. Pastoral Instruction: Communio et Progressio, (On the Means of Social Communication) 23 May 1971, through a special mandate by Conciliar Decree Inter Mirifica (Decree on the Means of Social Communication), No. 23. [12]. Ibid, No. 2. [13]. Ibid, No. 126. [14]. Ibid, No. 128. [15]. Pornography and Violence in the Communications Media, 7 May1989, Criteria for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Cooperation in Communications, 4 October 1989, Aetatis Novae (New Era) (on the twentieth anniversary of the promulgation of Communio et Progressio), 22 February 1992, Ethics in Advertising, 22 February 1997, Ethics in Communications, 2 June, 2000, Ethics in Internet, 22 February 2002, The Church and Internet, 22 February 2002. [16]. Pope John Paul II, Apostolic letter The Rapid Development, 24 January 2005, No. 3. [17]. Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation: A [18]. As-Sahafa al-Lubnania Magazine (Lebanese Journalism), diamond jubilee, No. 28, May 1998, p. 97. [19]. Al-Huda (The Guidance) followed in 1898, was one of the most important and lasting Arabic language American weeklies. Na’oum Moukarzel, a Maronite, founded it. [20]. As-Sahafa al-lubnania magazine, o.cit., p. 98. [21]. Nida’ Al Watan (The Call of the State) newspaper founded by Elias Ghiryafi was able to hold out from 1966 to 1968, and Ash-Shira’ (The Sail) magazine, owned by Father Antoine Qortbawi and Antoun Nehmé could hold out from 1948 till 1961 (it replaced Al-Bashir when it ceased operations in 1947). Nida’ Al-Watan reappeared for a short while before its current cessation. [22]. That is law 382 (November 1984) that entered into force pursuant to the applied decree 7997 (May 1996). [23]. The final remarks of the Commission on Human Rights (on the report concerning [24]. Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Ethics in Internet, 22 February 2002, No. 2. [25]. Pontifical Council for Social Communications, The Church and Internet, 22 February 2002, No. 8. [26]. Ibid. [27]. Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Ethics in Advertising, 22 February 1997, No. 9. [28]. Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Ethics in Advertising, 22 February 1997, No. 8. [29]. International Union of the Catholic Press in [30]. Ibid, p. 6. [31]. Carrying ministerial decree No. 33, promulgated on 15 October 1996. [32]. Decree from the Ministry of Communications, No. 447/1, dated 11 October 2004. [33]. There are other stations outside [34]. The website is It gives a detailed image of the structure and activities of the Catholic Churches in [35]. The website is It gives a detailed image of the reality of the [36]. He is Father Hannoun Andraos. [37]. The website is Designed by the Mariamite monk Father Antonio Feghali. [38]. The website is [39]. Pastoral Instruction Aetatis Novae, No. 8. [40]. Ibid. [41]. Pontifical Council for Social Communications, Ethics in Internet, 22 February 2002, No. 10. [42]. Pope John Paul II, Message on the occasion of the 32nd World Communications Day, 24 January 1998, No. 4. [43]. Pope John Paul II, Jubilee of Journalists, Address to the journalists on their jubilee, 4 June 2000, No. 5.