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Saint Jacob the hermit, disciple of our father Maron

It was Theodoritos the historian, and great bishop of Qorosh, in his book “Hermits”, who told us about Saint Jacob[1], said: “This righteous man was a hermit in the mountain of Qorosh, nearby Antioch. The sky was the only cover above his head, and he unceasingly prayed exposing himself to the winds from every side, burdening his body with iron weights, feeding himself only on grains and vegetables. Therefore God granted him the gift of performing miracles (signs). The Devil tried once to push Saint Jacob out of Qorosh Mountain, but the Saint was able to destroy Satan by his prayers. After that Satan appeared in the appearance of the Saint Jacob, and was taking the water from people who used to bring him water, then pour it on the ground, for some 15 days, trying to kill him from thirst. But when Saint Jacob investigated this, he cast Satan out and was again in peace. Saint Jacob died in the Lord in the fifth century.” May his prayers be with us. Amen.

[1] Jacob of James are the same name in Arabic “Yaakoob =يعقوب ”, just as Simon and Simeon (the elder who attended Jesus’ circumcision ceremony), are the same name in Semitic language, it’s “Simaanسمعان ; and Jesus and Joshua are the same name again… Therefore feel free to name this Saint Jacob or James, because practically it is the same.