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Saint Brocollos, bishop of Smyrna

This saint was contemporaneous of the Apostles, and came to believe in Jesus our Savior through them. He desired virtues and led a good Christian life. When Saint John the beloved (Apostle) learned about him, he took him for a deacon and a disciple; then ordained him a priest, then established him a bishop in the city of Smyrna. Brocollos zeal to spread out the good news of Jesus carried him to convert many pagans to the true faith and get them saved in accepting Jesus Christ. Through his advice and exampleric way of life, he used to confirm his faithful, encouraging them to persevere in their in the true faith so they deserve the crow of eternal glory. God showed mercy through him to his people and performed numerous miracles through his intercession, thus he was truly depicted by Nicodimos the historian as the “wonders/miracles maker”. Saint Policarp was among his disciple, he ordained him a deacon then a priest, and then Policarp succeed Brocollos on the Cathedral of Smyrna. After serving his people for a long life, and for teen years as a bishop, Brocollos died in the Lord at the age of 99. May his prayers be with us. Amen.